By joining you can use all the benefits and will be the first to hear about new benefits and events
Benefits for members
You get the benefits by joining as a member and you can use them with the Cluby-app. Download easily from App Store or Play-store.
Fisu shot
Daily benefit
Bottle of Red or White wine
Daily benefit
25 €
Lonkero (lime or cranberry)
Weekly benefit
6 €
Glass of Sparkling
Daily benefit
6 €
Eläintarhantie 12, 00530 Helsinki
Hakaniemen Tokoinrannalla sijaitseva tapahtumatalo, ravintola, kahvila ja yökerho. Tule nauttimaan, viettämään iltaa tai vuokraa itsellesi koko talo tai pienempi kabinetti. Tervetuloa!