Kafé Koma

Live music, Nightclub, Restaurant
By joining you can use all the benefits and will be the first to hear about new benefits and events

Benefits for members

You get the benefits by joining as a member and you can use them with the Cluby-app. Download easily from App Store or Play-store.

Fisu shot

Daily benefit


Bottle of Red or White wine

Daily benefit

25 €

Lonkero (lime or cranberry)

Weekly benefit

6 €

Glass of Sparkling

Daily benefit

6 €


Eläintarhantie 12, 00530 Helsinki
Hakaniemen Tokoinrannalla sijaitseva tapahtumatalo, ravintola, kahvila ja yökerho. Tule nauttimaan, viettämään iltaa tai vuokraa itsellesi koko talo tai pienempi kabinetti. Tervetuloa!
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