
Bar, Live music, Nightclub, Terrace, Wine
By joining you can use all the benefits and will be the first to hear about new benefits and events

Benefits for members

You get the benefits by joining as a member and you can use them with the Cluby-app. Download easily from App Store or Play-store.

Karhu beer

Daily benefit


Glass of sparkling wine

Daily benefit


Martini Fiero Spritz pitcher

Weekly benefit

29 €

Samppis shot (<21%)

Daily benefit

3 €

Mumm Cordon Rouge Brut Champagne

Daily benefit

89 €


Itäinen Rantakatu 10, 20700 Turku
Reserve a table at Samppalinna. Best way to reach us is by Facebook message, via e-mail at, or by calling us at +358 405996100.
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